Monday, December 31, 2007

Know when to say when

Just rang in 2008 with Dick Clark and got into an interesting discussion with the Missus and our party guests.

Mr. Clark had a stroke a few years ago and still has trouble speaking. Is the fact he is still rocking in the New Year on international TV a good thing because he has overcome and is still in the game, or is it time to hang up the spurs and leave the rodeo before you get completely trampled?

It's a pain to have to mow, but...

This is our backyard and the neighbor's backyard at the beginning of November. Views like this are one of the parts about living out here that never gets old.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Nike Awake

I love this ad. It is all about getting up and doing what needs to be done, even when you'd rather stay in bed. That one thing is what frequently separates the winners from the losers.

It's a lot like that on the farm. You don't get up, the animals don't eat. So get up.