Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter in Frisco, CO - Jesus Saves...Get 2 for 1 Hot Dogs!

Commerce and religion don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Someone has to sell the rosaries, bibles, candles, menorahs, books, etc. that other people need to practice their religion. And they should be proud to sell good stuff at fair prices like any other entrepreneur filling a need in the market.

I have a Vatican shot glass in my kitchen for God's sake. Picked that little puppy up on my post-college trip to Europe.

Still...this creeps me out ever so slightly. Only in America would you see a sign like this, on Easter, outside a fast food joint, which is run by messianic Jews.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Here's what our barn looked like on the first day of its life

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Oh, that's right! I do have a blog, don't I?!?

Sorry for the long delay. I’ve found blogging is like exercise. Once you get the habit, it's fun and you get into a rhythm. But, as anyone who has ever tried to get back in the gym on New Year’s Day knows, it’s HARD to get things started again when there is a break in the routine.

Here’s to getting back in the groove with some pictures of our great, big, happy, multi-species family.

The horses and alpacas seem to find each other strangely amusing.

Some people have guard dogs; we have a guard llama (with the black spots). She'll kick your butt if you give her a half a chance. Actually, you'll probably get spit on - which is much worse. Trust me.