Redneck Sleep Aid - Unload and stack 3000 lbs. of hay bales (and only be half finished with the job).
Pete and Kelly Bought the Farm
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Moving just takes your whole life and shakes it up like a Etch-A-Sketch in an earthquake. When your done, you can kind of see where the old lines were, but they're so messed up you have to spend a ton of time redrawing everything.
For instance, I can't find the cord to get the HUNDREDS of photos I've taken off my camera. The new place will be an endless supply of Ansel Adams kind of material. But, with out that damn cord, I'm toast right now.
So, to tide you over, I offer an older picture of Mikey, The Coyote Dog.
He's a killer, don't you think?

Thursday, August 10, 2006
We're back! The unpacking and organizing continues every night.
Wild life update. We have seen: frogs, elk, cows, horses, coyotes, a million cottontail rabbits, bats, and "Tank" the blind bull who lives in our neighbor yard. Most exciting wildlife experience that happened in the city was when our terrier got sprayed by a skunk.
We have only briefly seen the coyotes but have heard them yipping quite a bit. Our little terrier stood bolt upright in bed the first night we heard them with his ears pointed and proceeded to GO CRAZY for the next few hours. He either wanted to run out and defend his territory or felt the call of the wild and was ready to rejoin the pack. Not sure which it was.
There is a cemetery across the street and the oldest resident seems to be Mr. Grout. He was born in 1815.
This is going to be really fun.