Every human being needs some kind of activity that they do just to do. Not something they get paid for, or do for their spouse, or do because they feel like they have to do it. Something that is fun.
Some people play golf, others go shopping, a lot of us get drunk. My friend Eric likes to shoot clay discs with a gun.
We all see guns in movies and on TV and think we know guns. We don't.
Guns don't sound like they do in movies. When guns are used in a crime, witnesses often say they thought the gunfire was kids playing with fireworks. Even shotgun rounds (like the one in the picture) only sound like big ol' firecrackers until you're right next to them.
I went with Eric to give it a try and find out what a real gun feels like. It's a very satisfying when you hit a clay and it explodes in midair. It's shocking and not like you expect and a LOT of fun.

WHAT?!? I can't hear you?!!?
Just teasing. If you check out the photo, I've got the ear protection firmly in place. ;-)
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