A domesticated South American mammal (Lama pacos), related to the llama and having fine, long wool.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
So...the Missus and I are going to ranch alpacas. Why alpacas you ask? Easy! You do not have to kill them.
Yes, we both love grilling, roasting, baking...heck, just about any way you want cook dead animals, we'll eat them. But these are animals that other people have killed and put under shiny plastic at the market. My wife gets attached in an afternoon to the stray dog that we stick in the backyard until the owner is found, so there is NO WAY we could spend a year or more raising an animal to end up "doing it in."
Is this hypocritical? YOU BETCHA and we are totally okay with that. Besides, how could you whack a face like this?

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