Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mile High City? Try TWO MILES

Kel and I spent the weekend in Estes Park to visit the annual Scottish Festival last month. Click here to check it out. If you have any Scottish ancestry, it's worth a trip.

After that, we went into Rocky Mountain National Park and made it to the Alpine Visitor Center. Haven't been there for years. Got up past timberline and the rain turned to snow.

I thought all the skinny poles around the building were interesting. What are they for you ask? The snow gets so deep up there that they need those around the buildings and the roads to be able to find anything.

We stayed at a really nice B&B called A Mountain Valley Home. If you are looking for a B&B in Estes Park, you can't beat Lynn and Paul's. You'll get a GREAT room and a tasty breakfast. We ate with some locals, but also met people from New Jersey and Manchester, England. Can't say that about a room at the Holiday Inn.

You some times forget about all the cool stuff that is within an hour or two of your house.


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